The Horses
The Program
The Farm
Contact Us

Session One
Ground rules.
Introduction, to each other and the horses
Aim of the sessions.
Basic work around horses. (safety)
Putting on a halter and teaching a young horse to lead.
Session Two
Catching the horse. Tying up and grooming.
Points of the horse.
Basic care, feeding and nutrition, health, feet.
Learning join-up.
Game playing with your horse.
Session Three
Join-up and games with the horse.
Grooming, Feet picking and foot care.
Massaging the horse.
beginning long lining.
Tacking up the older horse.
Session Four
Join-up and games.
Quiz, different types of horses and different things horses can do.
Feeding, theory.
Tacking up, mounting and dismounting.
Session Five
farrier visit/talk/demo
Join-up and games
Long lining
Tacking up and un-tacking.
Session Six
Join-up, Bonding with the horse, getting it to follow, keep up with
Games, playing with the horse. Long lining, driving the horse from
the ground.
Week Four can be used at anytime, and take place inside if the
weather makes it impossible to work outside.
Other activities can be incorporated, such as trip to a ranch to try trial
riding, horse show, commercial stable etc.
Although the course is not at this time about riding it aims to start
people being familiar with the horse and so should they wish to
continue they have an understanding of the horse it’s self.
